Ottawa Movers Give 5 Tips for a Last-Minute Move

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Reliable Ottawa Movers Offer Advice for When You Need to Move Unexpectedly

Moving is stressful enough on its own. When you have to pack up quickly and move out of your home, it takes that stress to a whole new level. The good news is that you’re not on your own. With a few great tips and some reliable movers, Ottawa residents can better manage a last-minute move.

Schedule Your Move

The first thing you want to do is schedule your movers or rent a truck. They can become booked up well in advance, so don’t leave anything to chance if you want to make sure you have someone ready to move your boxes and heavy furniture when you need them. Look for movers who offer last-minute moving in Ottawa and the surrounding areas.

Gather Your Supplies

Many movers can and will pack your belongings for you. If you’d prefer to pack everything yourself, make sure to start the process with a full supply of boxes, packing tape, markers, and labels. Overestimate the number of boxes you’ll need—you can always return the unused ones or use them later.

Room by Room

Often the packing process is also a sorting process. As you go through and pack, you’ll also make decisions on what’s worth keeping. This generally results in a lengthy process. Move through your home room by room and pack it up as you go. Create two additional piles besides the items you’re packing—your “donate” pile and your “trash” pile.  As you finish packing up each room, take five minutes to bag up your donations and your trash. Depending on the charity, you may be able to call someone to come pick up your donations.

Time Limits

It’s easy to spend an entire day packing up one room. However, you may not have that kind of time if you’re dealing with a last-minute move. Give yourself a time limit for each room. For example, you may want to give yourself three hours to pack up your bedroom. Even if you run a little long, having that time limit will help you make faster decisions about what to keep and what to donate. It’ll also help you move through your home more quickly.

Get Help

We’ve already mentioned that you can hire reliable movers in Ottawa to help you pack your belongings. You can also ask friends and family to come and help you get the job done. If you ask for help, make it as enjoyable as possible. Music and food can help the day go by quickly.

Moving can be an exciting time. Sure, it’s stressful and last-minute moving can add to that stress. However, with a solid plan in place and reliable, trustworthy moving help, you can get through this process and into your new home quickly.



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