Got Pets? Ottawa Movers’ Tips for a Successful Move

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Moving Services in Ottawa Can Help You—and Your Furry Friend—Settle In

Moving is a stressful enough experience as it is. But when you own pets, it has the potential to become even more complicated—especially if they are easily excited by all the commotion! Fortunately, most experienced Ottawa movers have navigated these tricky waters before, and they know exactly how to manage a move with your furry friends that goes over as smoothly as possible. Here’s what you need to know about moving with pets:

Not All Pets Are Suited to Long Moves

A pet is a commitment, and ownership means taking on the responsibility of seeing that commitment through. However, sometimes circumstances make us move long distances, such as from Toronto to Ottawa, or from Ontario to the Maritimes. Smaller pets like fish or small rodents may not be able to survive these long trips or the stress that comes with them. Moving services in Ottawa suggest finding new homes for such pets before making an inter-city move.

Update Their Info

Ottawa movers will remind you to go to the post office to update your address and contact details, but have you remembered to do the same for your pets? Contact your veterinarian to update your address, and consider whether or not you’ll need a new vet. If your pets have tags or microchips, you should update these as well in case they become lost. And certain pets are required by law to be registered—so update the registry as well.

Keep Them Out of the Way

On moving day, there’ll be friends or professionals from a local moving service moving through your home, carrying heavy and fragile things, and your pets may become stressed or overexcited. They may keep running up to people’s feet, and it’s only a matter of time before someone—human or animal—gets hurt. The best thing to do is to keep them out of the way. Leave them with a friend or family member for the day if you can, or keep them in an empty room or in their crate until it’s time to take them to their new home. Speaking of which:

Move Your Pet Personally

If you thought moving was tough for you, imagine how your best friend (we mean your pet, of course) feels. They have no idea what’s going on—just that suddenly everything is changing. If they’ve moved with you before, this process may be easier, but if it’s their first move, stay with them as much as you can to comfort them. Drive them in your own car, and if possible, have someone sit with them along the ride. Welcome them to their new home with warmth and love!

For more help planning the perfect move, contact your local moving service in Ottawa. Experienced and professional Ottawa movers will be happy to help!



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